For Renters

Alaska Housing Rent Relief is no longer accepting applications or appeals. Current applicants can check their status here. Visit for historical information about this program.

When Rent Relief Is Complete

For individuals whose rent relief is ending, please be proactive and speak with your landlord about your circumstances. Should you need further assistance, additional resources may be available. 

If you continue to have financial challenges that make paying your rent difficult, we encourage you to review and take advantage of these resources to make sure you remain safely housed.

Current Applicants

Provide Supporting Documents

All applicants need to provide certain documentation as part of the initial review. These include:

  • A copy of your government-issued ID.
  • Supporting income documents. Find out what counts as household income, and what you can provide as supporting documentation here.
  • A statement showing any past-due rent and a copy of your current lease agreement.
  • Copies of past-due utility bills (if you requested utility relief).

We will request these documents by email (and send you reminders, if necessary) and provide you with secure links to submit them directly to the system.​

Verify Your Information

​​​​​​A relief specialist will be assigned to your application and will reach out to you directly. They will help you complete the application by finalizing information about your current rent and utilities, any past-due amounts or future payment needs, and any additional documentation needed to determine the amount of rent and/or utility relief you qualify for.

Payments Are Distributed

Your rent and/or utility relief payments will be made directly to your landlord and utility companies. All past-due rent and utilities (back to March 13, 2020) will be paid first. If you owe unpaid rent or utilities, that amount will be paid in one lump sum following your final approval.

If you are eligible for future rent relief, those payments will be distributed in three-month increments once your application reaches final approval. Future payments will require documentation that supports your continued need.

Check Your Application Status

The application period for Alaska Housing Rent Relief closed on October 1, 2021.

If you already submitted an application, you can visit the check status page anytime to see where your application is in the review process. If everything is "in review" then you're all set for now. If we still need something, you'll find instructions and links to submit that information.